21 Witty Oxymorons That Perfectly Capture Life’s Contradictions

According to the College of Liberal Arts oxymorons are “words or phrases, that when placed together, create paradoxes or contradictions.” Zin’s Textile Estates prides itself on being a figurative oxymoron in that as a brand we appreciate color, creativity, and fun while our products can be defined on the more serious end as high quality, luxurious, sustainable, durable, and reusable. We recognize that many persons, like us, are also figurative oxymorons, and have provided a curated list of 21 fun oxymorons below.



-Magical realism

-Acting naturally

-True Fiction

-Organized mess

-Living History

-Small Crowd

-Terribly good

-Controlled chaos

-Fearful bravery

-Original copy

-Virtual Realty

-Working vacation

-Random order

-Seriously funny

-Minor Miracle

-Act naturally

-Inside out

-Scenic route

-Inner world

What do you think of oxymorons? Have you encountered any of these oxymorons in your day to day life? If so how?


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