Embracing the Paradox: How Life Changes Shape Your Unexpected Self

Did you know that an oxymoron is figurative language that joins together two opposing elements. You can think of it as being “complex.” Why is the term oxymoron so interesting? Oxymorons, despite the name, are interesting because the two opposing words, when joined together, come together to make a sensible word. It is not surprising to believe that many people are living the oxymoron life; they have passions and interests but on the other hand have obligations that also demand their attention. For example, a mother or caretaker who enjoyed painting when they were younger may no longer be able to paint due to life's obligations even though underneath it all she would really enjoy having a free day to paint. The two conflicting elements in their life makes them who they are. Working to balance the conflicting elements may make their experience more sensible. A business owner may have just started a company he or she enjoys, such as selling musical instruments but now must balance this enjoyment with the business side of their business. However when both elements are balanced the business owner’s life may move closer to equilibrium and become fulfilling..

Many of us are likely oxymorons, composed of several conflicting elements which makes us who we are. When we find the ability to balance these conflicting elements, life makes more sense.  How can you balance out the oxomorosities in your life, and bring your life closer to balance?  Consider these 5 things:

1). Embrace self care

Self-care is constantly being talked about in the news because everyone has realized that self-care is a very powerful tool that can act as a personal refresh button. Oftentimes when we are busy with the demands of life, a self care moment is one of the only moments which allows many of us to slow down and reset our minds and bodies. Once we are able to reset we may become more efficient at tackling life and its many obligations.

2). Develop a life motto

Many people use mottos, often short positive phrases, for encouragement as they go through life. Mottos can often help reframe a person’s thought processes, and comes in handy in times of difficulty. Examples of mottos include “I am what I think about,” “Live every day like it’s your last,”  “Let go of who you think you’re supposed to be and embrace who you are.” 

3). Pursue your hobbies

Hobbies are activities that are enjoyed within a person’s free-time and without compensation. If self-care is equivalent to  “personal breaks,” hobbies are  equivalent to “fun breaks.” Examine what your personal interests are, and attempt to interject hobbies into your life as small “fun breaks”  within your life as frequently as your life will allow. 

4). Spend time with family and friends

Spending time with family and friends are fun and grounding experiences. Your family knows who you are and are often your support system when life becomes overwhelming. They act as the emergency help switch that may help you when life becomes too unbalanced. 

5). Continue to self-improve

No one is perfect. The first step is realizing this, and finding ways to improve upon your perceived deficiencies. With time and improvement, the areas that are most deficient become either less of an issue and/or become our strongest points. We become more balanced, when what was once theoretically weighting us down is now  better positioned to help prop us up. 

What do you think of oxymorons? What are some oxymorons within your life? How are you making your life more balanced? 


21 Witty Oxymorons That Perfectly Capture Life’s Contradictions


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