Unlocking Your Inner Kindness: A Guide to Self-Compassion

Self compassion is one of the best gifts to give yourself. Self compassion allows us to make mistakes and forgive ourselves for those same mistakes. This article discusses a few ways to practice self compassion. 


Introspection is the ability to turn your thoughts inwards and focus on getting to know who you are as a person. When we explore our own personal thoughts and feelings we allow ourselves to open internal windows and doors to our innermost selves which then allows ourselves to pursue a deeper understanding of who we are as people. This may allow us to better answer questions about ourselves, such as “What are our own personal strengths,” “What is it that makes us beautiful and unique,” “How did I end up where I am at, and how do I continue to progress forward.” There are several resources out there that further explore the benefits of introspection, we encourage you to read them. 

Self Kindness

As difficult as it may be to practice introspection, practicing self kindness may be just as hard. In life, we may all experience times of great difficulty whether at our own doing or someone else's. So many occurrences are outside of our control. In the moments that we stumble and fall, we must learn to acknowledge our mistakes, forgive ourselves for those mistakes, tell ourselves that we love ourselves, forgive ourselves, and move forward. 

Limit comparisons

Our world is filled with talented people with varying strengths and capabilities. You must learn that your strengths are different from other people’s strengths. Your dreams and goals are different from other people’s dreams and goals, and that everyone’s lives feature successes and setbacks. One person’s win will not look the same as another person’s win, and so on. Another’s person’s journey to success will also not look the same as yours. We are all on our own pathways, and in time, if we keep walking we will find our own joys and successes. 

What do you think? Will you consider any of the tips above? How will you practice self-compassion?


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