Put Your Best Foot Forward: 5 Steps to Fabulous Feet!
Our feet can be an unspoken sign of our health. In this article we list 5 ways to care for your feet. Tools that could be considered in your foot care routine include: Foot soap, foot exfoliator, nail clippers, nail files, nail brush, cuticle pusher, nail buffer, foot file, cuticle oil, foot mask of choice, foot moisturizer, and foot spray (optional).
Tip 1: Wash and exfoliate your feet
Washing and exfoliating your feet can improve the appearance, smell, and look of your feet. In order to exfoliate your feet consider the following. While in the shower or while using a specialized foot tub filled with warm water and soap, begin by washing your feet. Once your feet are wet, remove your feet from the water and apply your favorite foot exfoliator from the top of your feet all the way up to the middle of your calf. Plan to gently squeeze your feet while rubbing the exfoliator into your feet; include the arches of your feet and go all the way up to your calf. Once finished, rinse the exfoliator from your feet and legs by using a warm damp towel, or warm water and a washcloth.
Tip 2: Perform nail care
After you have washed and exfoliated your feet perform nail care. Regular nail care can prevent infections related to ingrown nails. Regular nail care can also improve the appearance of your feet. For your nail care consider using the following tools: nail clippers, nail files, cuticle pusher, a nail brush, nail buffer, foot file, and cuticle oil. Begin by re-wetting your feet, consider avoiding open wounds or as per your doctor’s instructions. With your nail brush clean on and around your toe nails. Next use a nail clipper to clip your nails short. Afterwards, file down the edges of your nails until smooth, and then buff your nails. For your toenail’s cuticle care plan to place your feet back in warm water and use a cuticle pusher to push your cuticles back. Finally take cuticle oil and moisturize your cuticles.
Tip 3: Apply a foot mask
Next, apply a foot mask. There are several types of foot masks on the market. If you are battling dry skin, consider choosing a hydrating foot mask. If you are battling skin build up and dead skin choose a foot peel mask. Achy feet can benefit from a soothing foot mask. Choose a mask that best accomplishes your feet’s goals. After you are finished using the foot mask, remove the mask per the package instructions.
Tip 4: Apply a foot moisturizer
Apply a foot moisturizer. A foot moisturizer can significantly contribute to the healthy appearance and overall look of your feet, and is often one of the final touches of good foot care. Consider applying one in order to enhance the final look and appearance of your feet.
Tip 5: Apply a foot spray
Finally consider applying a specialized foot spray, such as a deodorizing spray, ext., to further optimize your foot care.
What do you think of the above foot care regimen? Would you consider any of the treatment options as discussed above?