Feet Retreat: Mastering the Art of At-Home Pedicures
There is something soothing and restorative about a pedicure that makes most of us feel more confident and self-fulfilled after having had one. However, there is no doubt that this little luxury can become very expensive with time. In this article we outline how to go about completing an at home pedicure. We hope these tips will leave you and your feet feeling more confident and beautiful after completing your very own at home pedicure. (*Tip: If you have open wounds on your feet an at home pedicure may not be best for you. You should contact your doctor for further guidance regarding foot care).
Prep: Gather the following
- Nail clippers
- Nail file
- Cuticle pusher or orange stick
- Cuticle remover (optional)
- Foot scrub or exfoliant
- Pumice stone or foot file
- Bowl of warm water
- Towels
- Moisturizing lotion or foot cream
- Nail polish (base coat, color, top coat) or clear polish
- Cotton balls or pads
- Nail polish remover (if needed)
Step 1: Prep your feet
-Remove old nail polish
-Soak your feet in a basin of water filled with Epson salts, essential oils, or a specialized foot soaking product for extra relaxation
Step 2: Exfoliate your feet
-Use a foot scrub to remove old skin, concentrating on the heels, balls, and sides of your feet
-Use a foot pumice stone to smooth out hardened areas of skin on your feet
Step 3: Care for your cuticles
-Use a cuticle pusher to push back overgrown cuticles, be careful not to push too hard in order to avoid injury. Consider applying a cuticle remover during this step, especially if your cuticles are thick and/or dry
-Finally moisturize your cuticles by using a specialized oil and/or moisturizer
Step 4: Trim and shape your nails
-Use nail clippers to clip your nails, be careful not to clip your nails too short
-Use a nail file to shape your nails and soften sharp edges
Step 5: Moisturize your feet
-Apply moisturizer to your feet, generously focusing on the heels and other drier areas of skin on the feet
Step 6: Polish your nails (optional)
-apply a base coat, nail polish (2 coats), and top coat (in that order). *Tip allow each layer to dry completely before applying the next layer. *Use a small cotton swab dipped in polish remover to remove any excess nail polish around your nails.
Other tips:
-Consider wearing socks to lock in moisture and preserve the look of your pedicure, after the polish has completely dried
-Consider incorporating a regular foot care routine into your self-care regimen. Aim for a thorough pedicure every 4-6 weeks, and do light maintenance (like trimming nails and moisturizing) weekly.
Foot care is a wonderful way to self care. What do you think? Will you use some of these tips to elevate your at home foot care routine?