A Mom's Guide to Friendship: 10 Simple Ways to Connect with other moms
Making friends as a mom can sometimes be difficult. From busy schedules to work and school related obligations there never seems to be enough time to pursue any friendships as a mom, however there is no denying the potential benefits. Benefits of friendships as a mom includes the development of a potential support system, enjoying shared stories, and experiences of fun and joy which can help ward off the stresses of life to name a few. Read on, as we go over the top 10 ways to make friends as a mom.
Tip #1: Join parenting groups
There are a variety of parenting groups to explore. Groups include anything from support groups to educational groups. Oftentimes members of these groups have chosen to come together for the same unifying reason, therefore finding a like minded friend may not be as difficult to find. Before joining the group, please be sure to first vet the group. For an initial meeting, please be sure you bring a trusted friend and that the meeting is taking place in a safe environment. Consider leaving kids with a trusted friend or relative while vetting a new group.
Tip #2: Host Play dates
Play dates are a wonderful way to spend one on one time with one or a few moms. The benefits are that your child too gets to play with and get to know the other child or children outside of the more formal school setting. To initiate the playdate, consider sending an invite with your contact information via your friend’s teacher. If interested, the other mom will contact you. As a helpful tip, consider meeting the mom and child at a public location first. It may also be helpful if your child and the other mom’s child is already familiar with your child, and they naturally get along.
Tip #3: Attend mommy classes
Mommy classes are a specialized type of support group. These classes often meet to discuss different tips and ideas to manage common issues related to being a mom. Search online for local groups near you.
Tip #4: Explore hobby or interest groups
From dance classes, to reading groups, and acting, there are often interest groups meeting at a location near you where like minded individuals have come together to discuss a common hobby or interest. Although not as likely to be all mommy groups, these groups can be a great way to meet other moms/parents.
Tip #5: Introduce yourself to other parents at your kid’s sporting event
These events are often filled with parents who have come together to support their child. Oftentimes these events have downtimes where it would be appropriate to introduce oneself to other moms and parents. Oftentimes the simple act of cheering on each other's children can be a catalyst to friendship.
Tip #6: Participate in school and community events
School and community events are typically filled with parents and other moms who are passionate about their own children, community, and school. If you too share these passions consider introducing yourself to a few other like minded parents or moms and see where the relationship will go.
Tip #7: Network at the playground
Moms often go to playgrounds so that their active child has the ability to let off steam while enjoying the weather and camaraderie of like-minded parents or other moms. This is a great place to discuss the weather, and for you both to look out for, and introduce yourself to the other’s child. If your children hit it off, it may be worth exchanging numbers and agreeing to meet up at the same location at a specified time in the future.
Tip #8: Join a virtual group
Although virtual groups may not seem as personable, it may be a convenient way to get to know other moms or parents without leaving your home. Oftentimes these groups can offer intangible advice regarding parenthood and many more. If you decide to join a virtual group, consider vetting the group first and not sharing any personal information or names as there can be predators silently lurking within the group.
Tip #9: Host gatherings
Moms are often in need of a spa day or a safe place to hang out. If you are open to the idea, consider hosting a spa day, dinner party, etc. These events can be great ways to get to know other moms. A helpful hint would be to only invite other moms from your neighborhood or moms of children who attend your child’s school or in your child’s classroom for safety reasons.
Tip #10: Form a babysitting co-op
There are often moms in the community who are also looking for ways to get to know other moms within the community, but are unable to due to lack of child care or other various reasons. Moms such as these could be very interested in joining a babysitting co-op group where one person takes turns babysitting the children while the rest of the group goes out. Helpful hint, when starting this co-op please ensure that each mom has a clean and safe environment for babysitting kids, free from people or other home related issues which could cause an environment to be unsafe for children.
That’s it! What did you think of the suggestions above? Which tip do you think you will use?